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Probability in mathematics and physics


Datum: 27.–31.03.2017

Zeit: 08:45–15:00 Uhr

Probabilistic methods are widely used both in mathematics and theoretical physics. The proposed school aims to give PhD students and young post-docs from both fields the opportunity to obtain an impression of the approaches that are used in this respect in the community which is not their own. In addition, they shall get to know some of the latest developments in two selected areas (one each in probability and theoretical physics). There will be two mini courses: Nina Gantert (Munich) will give a mini course on random motion in randomProbabilistic methods are widely used both in mathematics and theoretical physics. The proposed school aims to give PhD students and young post-docs from both fields the opportunity to obtain an impression of the approaches that are used in this respect in the community which is not their own. In addition, they shall get to know some of the latest developments in two selected areas (one each in probability and theoretical physics).

There will be two mini courses: Nina Gantert (Munich) will give a mini course on random motion in random media, a topic that has grown out of the desire to understand disordered systems in physics and is now a major research area in mathematical probability. The second course will be given by Satya Majumdar (Paris Sud, Orsay). He will lecture on aspects of non-equilibrium statistical physics, such as first passage problems, determinantal point process and extreme value statistics. These topics are receiving increased interest also in the mathematics community in recent years.

Additionally, there will be accompanying lectures given by invited speakers as well
as the opportunity of giving contributed talks by experienced researchers (30min) and
young participants, e.g. PhD students (10min).

Here is a poster of the spring school.




Julien Berestycki, University of Oxford
Nina Gantert, Technische Universität München
Satya Majumdar, Université Paris Sud, Orsay
Marcel Ortgiese, University of Bath
Grégory Schehr, Université Paris Sud, Orsay
Thomas Simon, Université de Lille 1


TU Darmstadt | Raum S2|15 401
Schlossgartenstraße 7, 64289 Darmstadt

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