Asymptotic behaviour of ancestral lineages in spatial models
Oberseminar Mainz
Datum: 07.06.2022
Zeit: 14:00–16:00 Uhr
Abstract: Genealogies of spatial population models, in particular with varying population density, can be very complex. However, instead of considering all ancestral lineages at once, relevant effects are already visible from analysing the asymptotic behaviour of one or two ancestral lineages. In this talk, I will explain this general idea based on two projects. The first project examines the effect of long-range reproduction in constant population density, while the second explores a model, where reproduction depends on local population size.
- Uni Mainz, Institut für Mathematik, Raum 05-136
- Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Mathematik, Staudingerweg 9, 55128 Mainz, Deutschland
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main