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Persistent hubs in generalised preferential attachment trees

Oberseminar Darmstadt

Datum: 20.06.2024

Zeit: 16:15–17:45 Uhr

Abstract: In a generalised preferential attachment tree, nodes arrive one at a time, and connect to existing nodes with probability proportional to a function of their degree, for some fixed function $f$. In such a process, a node is called a persistent hub if it becomes, and remains, the fixed node of maximal degree during the evolution of the process.
For a large class of generalised preferential attachment trees, we provide necessary and sufficient criteria for the emergence of a persistent hub, building on previous work by Dereich and Mörters; Galashin, and Banerjee and Bhamidi. In this talk, we explore some of the motivation behind this result, and some aspects of the proof.


Tejas Iyer, WIAS Berlin


TU Darmstadt S2|15 Raum 401
Schlossgartenstr. 7, 64289 Darmstadt


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Fachbereich Mathematik - Stochastik
Schlossgartenstraße 7
64289 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 6151 16-23380
Telefax: +49 6151 16-23381


Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

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