Crossing a fitness valley as a metastable transition in a stochastic population model
Stochastik-Kolloquium Frankfurt
Date: 22.01.2020
Time: 14:15–16:00 h
Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020, 14:15 Uhr, Robert-Mayer-Straße 10 in Raum 711 gr
14:00 Uhr: Vortrag von Dr. Charline Smadi, Universität Grenoble
Crossing a fitness valley as a metastable transition in a stochastic population model
We consider a stochastic model of population dynamics where each individual is characterised by a trait in {0,1,...,L} and has a natural reproduction rate, a logistic death rate due to age or competition, and a probability of mutation towards neighbouring traits at each reproduction event. We choose parameters such that the induced fitness landscape exhibits a valley: mutant individuals with negative fitness have to be created in order for the population to reach a trait with positive fitness. We focus on the limit of large population and rare mutations at several speeds. In particular, when the mutation rate is low enough, metastability occurs: the exit time of the valley is an exponentially distributed random variable.
This is a joint work with Anton Bovier and Loren Coquille
- Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Campus Bockenheim, Raum 711 (groß)
- Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, 7. Stock, Frankfurt am Main